
Tammy Musiowsky-Borneman

Tammy Musiowsky-Borneman is an ASCD author, professional learning facilitator, and Director of Teaching & Learning at Kokua Academy in Kona, Hawai’i. She has experience teaching and leading Hawai’i, Singapore, New York City, and Edmonton, Canada. ​She is an ASCD Emerging Leader Class of 2014 and is ​the Executive Director of the​ Emerging Leader Alumni​ Affiliate​ (ELASCD). Tammy and co-author, C.Y. Arnold wrote the 2021 ASCD book, The Minimalist Teacher, as well as other digital publications for ASCD affiliates. Tammy has ​also ​written several guest blogs for ASCD ​digital publications, EdWeek Teacher blog, and Achieve the Core. She writes on topics such as creating cultures of learning, student engagement, inclusivity, and student agency.
